Father's Day

Yes, it was finished past midnight, but in time to wrap and hide it until the morning. Big S was very impressed, and has promised it will be his scarf of choice this winter... A few mistakes here and there, but shadow knitting is very forgiving ;) Definitely will do this again, the effect is so cool!

Now I'm going to get little Mr. Grumpy, someone's not interested in sleeping. Sigh...


MoniqueB. said…
Wat is ie moooooooooooooooooi geworden!!! Geweldig. Toevallig heb ik die van Chris net om (die groene met zwart; ik vond 2 skulls genoeg). Welk garen heb jegebruikt?
Anonymous said…
Wat een super sjaal! Fijn dat hij op tijd klaar was.

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