Crazy carrots

While I'm working on Brea, some news from the allotment... Unfortunately, my tomatoes are no more... They succumbed to phytophtera, potato disease. Last week they looked gorgeous and healthy and when I got there yesterday, the leaves were all blotchy, and some of the fruit already had started to get mouldy. Luckily, I've got some plants at home, in pots, so we should get some baby tomatoes in a while... We'll see how we can prevent this next year...
The carrots also wanted to tell me something:

They'll probably be turned into carrot cake, to make up for the pain I put them through...
Plans are in progress about what we're going to do next year. This Autumn, we'll be purchasing some trees and bushes, like brambles and plums, and bulbs! To put under the trees and enjoy Spring properly. I can already see it now: while we're digging away, turning the soil and sowing our crops, lovely flowers line the borders...

Oh, and this was my boy this afternoon, after a busy day out and a short nap in the garden. He woke up, walked in to the living room, crouched down and went to sleep. My little frog boy...


Tijm said…
Bij mij zijn de wortels ook nooit een succes, hoe diep ik ook spit. de grond is gewoon erg hard. Die leuke ronde wortelstjes willen wel goed.
Lijkt me niet relaxed slapen, little boy.
Anonymous said…
Ach die wortels! Typisch hè dat ze zo raar gaan groeien als ze de grond te hard vinden. Het levert je in ieder geval een grappige foto op.
En dat kleine jochie van je: pardoes in slaap gevallen? Dat hebben mijn kinderen allebei nooit gedaan. Zij vielen hooguit een keer in de auto in slaap.

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