It's in the bag!

One of the bags from 25 bags to knit I loved, was Loveheart. I had to adjust the colours a bit and did not put a pocket on it, but daughter was delighted with it! It's now at school, being used as her gym bag.
I just got some acrylic leftovers and doubleknit the yarn, with a lighter pink for the front and a darker for the back (I ran out of lighter pink). The heart was knit intarsia and then embellished with some sparkly yarn and a picture frame border. Now, 24 more bags to go... ;)

Wee S and me also went to see my cousin M, who just had a second girl. I had knit another Celestine (number 3) for her, of course, in pink!


Tijm said…
Wat mooi allemaal.
Anonymous said…
Goed begin! je kunt nooit genoeg tassen hebben en er zeker niet vroeg genoeg mee beginnen.
Anonymous said…
Wat een mooie tas! Ook de celestine is erg mooi.
MoniqueB. said…
Je gaat lekker. Wat een dotteke! De rugzak is ook mooi ;-)
De Celestine kan je al bijna blind breien of niet?
Is de volgende tas voor big S?

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