
Of the type that makes you get a lump in your throat... Yesterday at SnB I got a huge bag of sock yarn from Marijke (blogless), a fellow translator, who still had loads left over after knitting socks for her kids. Honestly, her kids must have tiny feet, cause the balls of yarn were huge! I can definitely get on amazingly with my blankie now. I'm going to weigh the bag of yarn I have to and see how much it is already *lol*
Also generous, Jolanda, thanks for lending me the dpns 5 for my Brea handle, and Angelique, for having a look round for a coffee machine for us ;) And the rest of the girls thanks for a great evening!


Gawy said…
Gut, zo te lezen heb ik wat gemist! ;)
Anonymous said…
Wat een mooie voorraad sokkenwol restjes. Die deken van jou wordt vast prachtig.
Anonymous said…
MoniqueB. said…
Oh wat ben ik benieuwd hoe die deken gaat worden! Het patroontje is zo leuk, en met ZOOOO veel garen: volgens mij kan zometeen je hele gezinnetje er in! Kom maar op met de winter!
Montreal Mama said…
Great leftovers! I have some too - do you want to swap?

Each square only take about 4-5g. Some of those in your pic look like you have enough to swap - if you're interested?

Let me know!

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