Secretz uveiled?

Well, a little peak won't hurt...

First of all, I have to rectify. The colourway of the yarn isn't Angelic, but Archangel. Sorry! It's a lovely rich purple with some orange, a bit of soft pink, a bit of grey/green... Yum! Can anyone guess the pattern?

And then, Mooooo. The colours look a bit off here, but we are planning to knit a rainbow. Ssssst...

And, last but not least: Hey Teach! Back nearly done. I've been a bit sidetracked by the sock yarn...


Tijm said…
hey teach wordt geweldig zeg, maar de Moooooooooooscarf ook!
Anonymous said…
Ik zeg niets, my lips are sealed!
MoniqueB. said…
Mooooooooo wordt moooooo i. hahahaha.
Hey Teach is niet roze, hoe kan dat???
En de sok is niet Clessidra, toch? Wel een (roze) heerlijke kleur.
Gawy said…
moooo is nu myyyyyy... zo leuk.. :)

mooi hee die Archangel!! :O
Anonymous said…
Dat wordt al mooooooooooi!

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