A spintastic day
Today, I went on a spinning course to Marijke's with Tijm, her sister Froukje, Gawy and Marieke (with Lida as Marijke's assistant) and we had a ball. It all started out at home, where we had to fit 4 Ladies & 4 Louets in the car. No sweat! It looked cool too:

When we got there, Marijke had prepared 'goodie bags' for us! So cute! All with individual name tags and filled with some wool 'nearly straight of the sheep', roving in the colour we requested, plus some white wool and wool/silk roving, a bit of angora goat pre and post washing and carding. Here was my wool:

It was a case of sit down and get started. Me and Gawy had had some practice, but the others really started from scratch. We started off with the grey sheep wool, and after a break (and some yummies), we went on to the roving. According to Marijke and Lida, we were excellent students and produced great results for our first time! Here's a few shots of us at work:
Marieke and Tijm are looking at how Gawy sets up her wheel
Marieke and Lida
Me and Froukje
Lida had a foldable wheel, which was minute compared to our, quite compact, Louets
Froukje showing off her 'nearly straight from the sheep' first handspun skein!
My Ombria roving after spinning
And a car with happy Louets on its way back...
We had a great afternoon, Marijke, and learned a lot. Thanks again!
When we got there, Marijke had prepared 'goodie bags' for us! So cute! All with individual name tags and filled with some wool 'nearly straight of the sheep', roving in the colour we requested, plus some white wool and wool/silk roving, a bit of angora goat pre and post washing and carding. Here was my wool:
It was a case of sit down and get started. Me and Gawy had had some practice, but the others really started from scratch. We started off with the grey sheep wool, and after a break (and some yummies), we went on to the roving. According to Marijke and Lida, we were excellent students and produced great results for our first time! Here's a few shots of us at work:
We had a great afternoon, Marijke, and learned a lot. Thanks again!
En wat een mooie foto's.
Dat je daar nog energie voor had, zo'n stuk bloggen. Ik kwam thuis en was kapot. Heb zelfs nog op de bank liggen slapen. Nu snel even kijken op de blogs en dan naar bed, dromen van al dat moois wat we hebben gekregen van Marijke, al haar kennis die ze zo mooi aan ons doorgaf, de goede ondersteuning.
Wat hebben we het leuk gehad hé!
Ben geloof ik al een beetje verslaafd.
Nu maar stoppen met werken en alleen nog maar breien, spinnen, verven, naaien en quilten.
zo dus!
Superleuk verslag.
Goed verzorgd ook nog! Prachtige wol zeg, en allemaal op een rijtje heerlijk aan het werk.
Hoe lang duurde het voor je een streng klaar had? Ik heb daar geen idee van.
Welke dikte kan/heb je gespind? Kan je er sokken mee breien? Of een nieuwe tas?
En topfoto's!