Wonder team
And then you’re soooo glad that the both of you are at home when something happens, even though it was only a minor crisis…
Last night, after dinner, wee H decided to go and watch some telly. She lay down on the sofa, turned round and boom, rolled of the sofa straight into the table with her face. As she started screaming really loud and quickly, big S and I jumped up to see what had happened. All we could see was blood, lots of blood. Scared shitless, no other way to say it… Big S took her on his lap, pressed a cloth against her face and I desperately started looking for the number of the emergency room at the hospital (not the emergency number for the ambulance, but to request an admission to the ER, they are a bit weird about that here…). When I finally found it, it took a while before I was connected through, and I saw big S sitting with wee H, white as a sheet (both of them), wee S not knowing what was going on, but on the verge of crying himself… And when I finally got someone on the phone and big S dared lift the cloth, we could see there was quite a deep cut, from the corner of her lip out. We got the all-clear to jump in the car and come over straight away, so big S took wee H on his lap in the car, I bundled wee S in the back in his seat and then we drove off. Pfff… wee H was seen to straight away and luckily a bit of glue did the trick. It looked worse than it was, but still… as a parent you’re just terrified that a pretty little girl like wee H would end up with a horrible scar, just from rolling off the sofa… The first thing she said when she got back out was: ‘But I do want to go to school tomorrow.’ The sweetheart… With a Panadol and some extra cuddles she took it easy on the sofa (watching hospital reality shows, nothing seems to phase that kid!), and then slept like a log. This morning she was fine; sore, but fine. And she even managed to give us a smile for the camera… (maybe it helped that she got an invitation to the birthday party of her new ‘boyfriend’…)
Last night, after dinner, wee H decided to go and watch some telly. She lay down on the sofa, turned round and boom, rolled of the sofa straight into the table with her face. As she started screaming really loud and quickly, big S and I jumped up to see what had happened. All we could see was blood, lots of blood. Scared shitless, no other way to say it… Big S took her on his lap, pressed a cloth against her face and I desperately started looking for the number of the emergency room at the hospital (not the emergency number for the ambulance, but to request an admission to the ER, they are a bit weird about that here…). When I finally found it, it took a while before I was connected through, and I saw big S sitting with wee H, white as a sheet (both of them), wee S not knowing what was going on, but on the verge of crying himself… And when I finally got someone on the phone and big S dared lift the cloth, we could see there was quite a deep cut, from the corner of her lip out. We got the all-clear to jump in the car and come over straight away, so big S took wee H on his lap in the car, I bundled wee S in the back in his seat and then we drove off. Pfff… wee H was seen to straight away and luckily a bit of glue did the trick. It looked worse than it was, but still… as a parent you’re just terrified that a pretty little girl like wee H would end up with a horrible scar, just from rolling off the sofa… The first thing she said when she got back out was: ‘But I do want to go to school tomorrow.’ The sweetheart… With a Panadol and some extra cuddles she took it easy on the sofa (watching hospital reality shows, nothing seems to phase that kid!), and then slept like a log. This morning she was fine; sore, but fine. And she even managed to give us a smile for the camera… (maybe it helped that she got an invitation to the birthday party of her new ‘boyfriend’…)

Gelukkig kunnen ze veel tegenwoordig en met dat lijmen wordt het vast weer mooi.
Wat een dappere meid.
Nu jullie maar even een borrel om bij te komen zeker.
Gelukkig ziet het er goed uit, is je meisje helemaal gerepareerd en is het gelukkig herfstvakantie.
Trouwens, H, van zo'n litteken wordt je wel erg stoer hoor!
Nou lekker feestvieren met je vriendje!