Clearing out for Xmas

To be able to afford a great trip to Norn Iron in 2 weeks time, we decided to clear out the attic. And yes, it is also nice that in the process, we are reclaiming space in our cupboards, getting rid of cupboards, and creating more space to play and just relax. So, to advertise our 'stuff', here's a link to our ads! If you like Warhammer novels or are into Marillion, like manga drawing or Babylon 5: HERE'S YOUR CHANCE!!! Remember, there is more to come, so just put it in your Favourites, and check back again tomorrow, on Monday and again and again!!!

Our ads! Come and see it here!

I know, nothing knitting-related. You weren't really expecting me to be selling any of MY stuff? Come on now... :)

And just to stick another feather up in my arse: my snowflakes were selected as pictures for the pattern on Ravelry! Isn't that cool! See them here. You have to be a member, but if you scroll down, you can see pictures as well. Ravelry used the finished one, with red ribbons on them for all 4 (I did not use that picture here...)


Anonymous said…
Je staat bij de favorieten. Ik ben benieuwd wat er nog meer komt.
Tijm said…
Veel plezier in het mooie Noord Ireland!!
Enne ik koop niks, moet zelf nog spullen kwijt...........
MoniqueB. said…
Bij mij werkt de link niet, ik kom wel op marktplaats, maar niet bij jouw items. Wat heb je tekoop?
Wat is je Markplaats naam? heb hetzelfde problee, als Monique
Anonymous said…
Ah ik dacht daar gaat de stash maar nee...

Altijd grappig dat je aan de MPhandel een beetje kunt zien wat mensen bezig hield voordat ze de zolder op gingen ruimen! Ik wens je veel succes, bij mij is de handel helemaal ingestort.
Anonymous said…
Huh? Wat nou anonymous? Ik typte toch echt mijn naam!

gr Linda en goeie reis!

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