Two nights' work

And another hat done. Nice and big... Hubbie calls it a bit girly, but I don't think it is. It's just nice and big ;) Made out of dark brown soft acrylic yarn and a lighter brown cotton/silky blend yarn (label-less from that huge stash of mine).
Thanks for the sympathies and all the comments that my stash isn't big at all. ;)

Wee H also needed help from daddy yesterday. Not to model a hat, but to pull out her second loose tooth, which was getting in the way and a real pain in the a... when trying to eat something. See that big-person-tooth popping up on the right? Honestly, where did my little girl go???

And a little peek of my sweater project for Sam, made out of yarn donated by blogless Marijke (yes, the one from the spinning class - too generous for her own good, that woman!!!):


MoniqueB. said…
Kleine meisjes worden veelste gauw groot! Die nieuwe tand heeft de kleine er gewoon uit gedrukt, opzij, ik wil er langs! Wegwezen... Wacht maar af, zometeen begint het gedonder met de boventanden. Bij Bridget zit de 2e al los, de eerste is al bijna helemaal op zijn plek.
Toffe kleur voor Sam zeg.
En die muts is juist stoer, niet girly, toch?

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