And back again
We had a great trip to Northern Ireland, although we are all still severly sleep-deprived and all airport staff can go and kiss my XXXX. On the way in my deodorant was confiscated (nearly empty, but the bottle says more than 100 mls, so hand over, missy...), and on the way back I had to put my knitting in the suitcase and had to pack my tester perfumes in little ziplock bags (which we had to PURCHASE for a pound, A POUND for 4 little XXXX bags...), packed in one of those surprise egg thingies that are impossible to open. So I stood on it. The official looking woman next to the vending machine, demonstrating the use of the bags and stopping all passengers who wanted to pass her and get to the Xray machine, looked on in horror. So what. I bought it, I can do with it what I want. And I picked up the 20 bits of plastic from the floor... I understand that our swimming pool wants us to wear those blue shoe covers and charges 20 cts for it, but an airport charging for silly see-through bags, come on... Plus, nobody even opened my bag! Can they see the ziplock on the Xray? Wow... (they must give one to Schiphol airport, they missed my knitting needles there, I was more than welcome to stab the airhostess, according to them, haha).
The rest of the trip was great, we enjoyed wonderful views in Donegal and down east at the coast at Warrenpoint (the climb up was sooo worth it), and then Belfast. Sigh... Belfast. Homesick. The perfect city for shopping and drinking coffee and meeting up with friends. The Wheel was great, and we had dinner in the new Victoria Center (the view from the dome is also very cool).
Little knitting done (just in Donegal, in Belfast we shared the hotel room with the kids, need I say more), no yarn purchased (money spent on other stuff, such as a Nintendo DS Lite - don't ask - Wii games and books, loads of books), but here are a few piccies... (check our family site for more:
The Donegal coast at Rathmullen
The Moss family above Warrenpoint. Beau-ti-ful!
Hello World, greetings from Shaftesbury Square!
Wee S in front of our uni
I used to live HERE!
Ps: Scarf and hubby survived the trip ;)
The rest of the trip was great, we enjoyed wonderful views in Donegal and down east at the coast at Warrenpoint (the climb up was sooo worth it), and then Belfast. Sigh... Belfast. Homesick. The perfect city for shopping and drinking coffee and meeting up with friends. The Wheel was great, and we had dinner in the new Victoria Center (the view from the dome is also very cool).
Little knitting done (just in Donegal, in Belfast we shared the hotel room with the kids, need I say more), no yarn purchased (money spent on other stuff, such as a Nintendo DS Lite - don't ask - Wii games and books, loads of books), but here are a few piccies... (check our family site for more:
Ps: Scarf and hubby survived the trip ;)
Oo als ik dit zo zie wil ik zooooo graag weer terug naar Donegal!!
Vloog je naar Dublin, Belfast of Donegal airport? Dit is zo klein dat de bewaking dus echt nisk voorstelt. Of hebben ze in een half jaar bijgeleerd?
Vakantietip voor zomer 2009: Fly to Donegal and travel around in this beautiful county!
Je verslag over het vliegveld is erg grappig om te lezen. Het moet allemaal erg frusterend geweest zijn...
Fijn dat jullie het verder lekker hebben gehad en leuke foto's.
Sorry, maar jullie leedvermaak is zo grappig om te lezen!
Welkom thuis.
Je wordt er echt boos van, ik ben wel blij dat ik daar niet werk want er zullen genoeg mensen boos worden denk ik.
Maar Ierland ........... zucht......wat geweldig was dat!!! Ik zit er wel op te broeden om dit jaar toch weer een weekje ofzo te gaan.
Je voelt je zo "Alive".