I'm a CHIP, I'm certain of it now. A Conscious Happy Independent Professional. Doesn't matter that the bank man I'm going to see now to talk about my pension managed to lose 80 percent of the money I saved up over the last 5 years. I'm happy, I'm independent and I'll be a working professional until the moment I keel over. Who needs pensions, humbug... :(

When back from my little rant at Mister Bank Guy (you can definitely be certain of that, however much I realise that it's a case of waiting it out, keeping faith in the system, I'm still going to get a little rant in about how my money would have been better off in one of my homeknit socks), I'll take some pictures of my Crisis Time Bath Math and my re-knitted Cache Coeur.

Right, I'm off to have a good rant. It's nice and cold, I'll be biking it into town, so he'll better be ready (oh, and I had a Starbucks size cup of freshly ground fairtrade coffee, so I'm all fired up).

Can we do it? Yes, we can!!!

CHIP, that's me... ;)


Unknown said…
Good luck and let us know if he survived!
Anonymous said…
you go girl!

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