Told you it is addictive to knit with slowly colour-changing yarn... I keep telling myself: 'Oh, I'm just going to knit until the next colour change... and the next... ach what the heck, until the next drop stitch then...'

'What? Half 1 already? Where did the time go????'
By the way, the orange isn't as orange as in the photo, for some reasons it's creating an odd glare... In fact, it's not orange at all... ;)
I really want to knit another Clapotis after this one, to surprise Hannah or Steve, but then with the really crazy colour Zauberball: Tropical Fish. What do you think, will a guy wear a crazy coloured scarf like this?
Hooked, me is...
By the way, the new issue of Knotions is out! I love the fact that they have some projects with both knitting and sewing, which look very cool. I am probably going to knit Rubina for Hannah...
'What? Half 1 already? Where did the time go????'
By the way, the orange isn't as orange as in the photo, for some reasons it's creating an odd glare... In fact, it's not orange at all... ;)
I really want to knit another Clapotis after this one, to surprise Hannah or Steve, but then with the really crazy colour Zauberball: Tropical Fish. What do you think, will a guy wear a crazy coloured scarf like this?

Hooked, me is...
By the way, the new issue of Knotions is out! I love the fact that they have some projects with both knitting and sewing, which look very cool. I am probably going to knit Rubina for Hannah...
Heel mooi hoor, die Zauberball
Hoeveel bollen heb je nodig voor je Clapotis? Brei je hem net zo groot als in het patroon?
Ik heb net een Clapotis gebreid van zijde, maar heb zin in een nieuwe (voor mezelf, de zijden is voor mijn moeder). Ik vind het kleurverloop van de jouwe super.
Mini Mochi lijkt me ook zalig voor een Clapotis. Ik heb er op de beurs mee in mijn handen gestaan, maar kon niet beslissen hoeveel bol ik nodig zou hebben. En dus laten liggen *spijt*
Het wordt fantastisch zeg en dat je maar door wilt gaan is erg goed te snappen.
En Mini Mochi, nu idd gezien op de blogs, maar in Zwolle niet, in de haast. Jammer! Ziet er ook erg leuk uit!
En ja wat ga je razend snelllllll
Groetjes Christien