Booty calls...

Of course I bought stuff at the Handwerkbeurs as well! After helping out at the Wolhemel stand for a bit, I did a quick run around the fair. So many gorgeous things to see and do! But if you're on a bit of a budget, both financially and time-wise, it's best to walk around with blinders on, focused on what you really need to get, trying not to get sidetracked too much.
But, if you're around all that lovely yarn at Wolhemel, convincing people to buy it and feel it and use it, well... then you want some for yourself too!
So, I caved in and bought:
Zauberball, colour: Cranberries from Schoppel Wolle
This will be turned into a Clapotis, after I saw hers (not added yet to projects, I noticed...).
More Malabrigo Superwash sock yarn, colour: Lettuce. For Salida, first pattern repeat is done and I love it already. The colour is nearly-solid, with lovely bits of lighter and darker green.

And then, to keep the spinner inside me happy, this:
200 grams of merino/silk roving from The Spinners. Yum, looking forward to this already...


Anonymous said…
Lovely colours, addictive projects. Enjoy!
Tijm said…
Prachtige jummie aankopen!
En ook al mee begonnen. Wat zul je er van genieten!
Anonymous said…
Mooie aankopen!!
Anonymous said…
Mooie kleuren, vooral de lontwol is erg mooi
MoniqueB. said…
Spinnen met zo'n bal: geweldig. Heb je eerst weer wat te doen, behalve breien op die mininaaldjes. Dat groen wordt prachtig zeg!

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