Happy Birthday!
To my lovely 6 year old girl... Who is extremely tired after a weekend of partying, opening presents and eating sweets... ;)
Thank you all for the cards, pressies and messages!
And of course, Miss Cutie was very happy with these:

More project info on my Ravelry page...
Tired now, after an afternoon hard grafting & shopping at the Handwerkbeurs and a weekend of partying... Now working on Salida and Clapotis, so I'll write more about those in my next post!!!
Thank you all for the cards, pressies and messages!
And of course, Miss Cutie was very happy with these:
More project info on my Ravelry page...
Tired now, after an afternoon hard grafting & shopping at the Handwerkbeurs and a weekend of partying... Now working on Salida and Clapotis, so I'll write more about those in my next post!!!
Mooie dingen heb je voor haar gemaakt. Ik vind die roosjes op balletschoentjes het zo af maken.
De Twinkletoes zijn ZOOOO schattig geworden met die roosjes. De mermaidstail is prachtig (ook arwetta?) en het hartje is lief, met het bloemetje er op.
Hard gewerkt hoor.
(ballenbak/monkeytown overleeft?