Let them eat cake

The Telegraph and the Bloggies 2009 committee agree with me. This is one of the most hilarious weblogs out there at the moment.
Please, when visiting, don't drink coffee and watch the photos at the same time. It's too dangerous for your computer... ;)

Cake Wrecks

Plus... sssssht... Yarn Harlot has also been nominated for a Bloggie!


MoniqueB. said…
Vooral die van de lord of the rings is geweldig! De rest: ach, gelukkig is het in amerika.
Al kunnen ze in NL er ook wat van op de markt.
DutchAstrid said…
You are so right!!!
Besides the cakes, the writing is absolutely hilarious. Especially the remarks about time traveling in this article: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/02/tensed-up.html

Thanks for the tip!

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