Linda, are you getting nervous yet??? I know, knitting is not a competition... LOL...

This afternoon, wee H is going for her A swimming diploma... Let's say mum is as nervous as daughter ;) She should be fine, the teacher was very happy yesterday, and they hardly ever let them go for the exam before they're ready. So, fingers crossed! We're going to have a swimmer without wings iin a few hours!!!
This afternoon, wee H is going for her A swimming diploma... Let's say mum is as nervous as daughter ;) She should be fine, the teacher was very happy yesterday, and they hardly ever let them go for the exam before they're ready. So, fingers crossed! We're going to have a swimmer without wings iin a few hours!!!
En dan uit het water komen, diploma ontvangen, aankleden en ... sjaal om!
Waar haal je de tijd en het tempo vandaan zeg......wat al een eind!!
(En ook voor het examen Temper Tantrum, poehee... volgens mij moest er erna heeeel wat spanning uit... ;) )
Goed gedaan meisie! Dat wordt een leuke zomer.