Here's my clapotis in the process of blocking, after being slightly stretched. It doesn't need much, just a bit of flattening... I love the colour changes here, nice and subtle... The next one will be done in a bolder colour, and a bit wider and longer, I think. But this one is just long enough to wear under my winter coat!

And the first Salida. Again, such a gorgeous colour of Malabrigo sock yarn! I'm interesting to see how this one keeps up, it fits perfectly, so I hope that after a few washes it still does that. And yes, I have fat ankles. Get over it ;) (And yes, I'm not a photographer, haha...)

And here's a quick update on my second attempt (and hopefully this time successful) at knitting two socks toe up at the same time, in a simple Regia bloke colour. For hubby :)
Right, I'm off to the Maxx to see if there's any sock yarn left...
de kleurtjes, de kabeltjes en de clap!!!
Voel je je alweer wat beter? In ieder geval nog beterschap!
Prachtige Clapo!!
En ook geweldige sokken, wat is dan zo'n witte muur handig hé!
gatverdegatver hoezo nerveus, die Clapotis van mij is net de Twilight Zone! Enne... die Malabrigo is echt prachtig! Goed plan voor Clapotis 2 (verwachte einddatum 2045). MooiMooiMooi! Je hebt weer veel prachtigs gemaakt.
De sok is geweldig.
De Salida vind ik ook heel mooi.