Plans for spring

Now that the big work rush is over, I have a bit of time to look over my project list for what I want to do knitting/crafting-wise. The fact that the new Twist Collective is out, doesn't make it any shorter, lol... Beautiful stuff! I've added about 6 projects to my wish list...
As a result, I've had to scrap some too. Chulho will be frogged, as will Sam's sweater. I will cast on a bigger sweater after the summer for him. He's got so many clothes, he would never wear it before the next cold spell, so it would just be a shame for me to keep on knitting... I already had my doubts about Chulho and the gauge, and the fact that I see buds popping up everywhere, doesn't help with knitting a warm hat ;)
Instead, I'm going to (finally!) start on my spring coat again. The fabric has been lying in wait for about a year, and if I get my skates on, it will be done in time for when springtime really hits our shores...

In order to also fund those lovely projects in Twist Collective, I've decided to reward myself for every cycle trip I do. This means I get rewarded twice: cycling is good for me AND I get to buy some lovely patterns! The trip does need to be longer than 30 mins, and I can only get one reward per day. Reward points will be added to the right, so if you don't see it move for a bit, give me a nudge...


Tijm said…
Strak plan zeg!!!
Inderdaad heb je zo dubbel profijt van je actie!!
MoniqueB. said…
Da's slim! Heel handig en een mooi vooruitzicht. Fietste je niet zo veel dan?
Ik zal eens op dat Twist Collective gaan kijken... of toch niet. Mijn wenslijst wordt ook al steeds langer.

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