A tight knit

Knitting time is tight these days. Work is busy, and add meetings, swimming lessons, dental appointments, birthday parties and all that thang into the mix, and you're left with precious little knitting time.
I did get some knitting done last week, a Celestine, in a beautiful blue cotton yarn, for one of my bestest friends to give away as a baby shower gift. She doesn't knit, but loved the Celestines I made, so asked me to knit one for her. Knit on 2.5 needles, it was a tight knit, but it turned the yarn into a nice dense fabric, perfect for a baby toy. Unfortunately, the camera was in Zeeland, at the Marillion convention, with husband, and I forgot to take a picture with my phone, so you'll have to believe me on this one... ;)

Salida is coming on beautifully. With same friend and a few more (there was 11 of us), we spent the night in a beautiful farmhouse, with lots of food, wine and good company. And my Salida ;) I turned the heel on the second sock, so I should have a nice pair by the weekend.

I also managed a second visit to the Maxx last Saturday, with kids (yes, WITH kids). I bought two bits of fabric and pink yarn. Of course, pink, although I did ponder deep and hard about the dark blue for a sweater for husband. But, as usual, I didn't exactly know how much yarn I would need for a big man sweater, so I left the yarn, hoping there will still be some left the next time I go (WITHOUT kids, really!). The fabrics I bought, will be turned into a dress for wee H. The yarn will also be knit up into something wonderful, hopefully for me. See, when it comes to women and pink, there's no pondering about whether to buy the yarn or not :) And to be honest, that was all the bike points spent, so better luck next time, hubby! Same applies, pictures and decriptions and some possible projects are to follow!

But, although I have plenty of ideas, inspiration and stash... apart from what's on the needles, nothing much is happening. I need to get my knitting mojo back! What happened to this girl???

Yup, that's me, with my mitred blanket... Hadn't posted it before, 'cause I was still fuming about them misspelling my name in the article inside ;) But, well done, Friesch Dagblad, for putting knitting back on the map! And I also saw this little video, on the Telegraaf site (yes, I admit, it's my Internet paper of choice these days), about kids learning to knit again. Yes, they have degenerate mothers, you see, who don't know how to knit anymore. Bad mommies... Go join your kids, and learn how to knit!*

Right, time to print out some paperwork for yet another meeting tomorrow, and then it's off to the sofa to give my precious and sore back a bit of horizontal time...

By the way, has anyone got a kilo of seed-potatoes (early ones) for me?

* D., you're welcome to follow private lessons here ;)


Anonymous said…
Leuke log!!
MoniqueB. said…
Ik heb dat filmpje gisteravond gezien bij Hart van NL! Vet he, wij zijn cool...
Wat wij doen is breien ++++!
Fijn dat je nĂłg eenkeer kon slagen bij de MAXX. Ik ben ook geslaagd, gewoon online direct kralen besteld, morgen hopelijk binnen. Kan ik ook weer verder.
Fijn dat de Salida ook bijna af is, het is nog koud genoeg om ze metéén te gaan dragen!
Tijm said…
Wat ben je toch druk bezig!!
Leuk om te lezen.
Ik heb vorige week zeer vroege pootaardappels bij de natuurvoedingswinkel gekocht en dezen liggen nu thuis te spruiten om medio april de tuin in de gaan.
Bij Welkoop kun je ze per stuk (geen biologische)kopen. Is dan erg goedkoop want je koopt gewoon zoveel je kunt planten.
yvonnep said…
lollig filmpje, jammer van die commentaarstem...:-)

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