A bit too much work to knit / Een beetje te veel werk om te breien
After a little blip last month, business is booming again. It seems like everyone wants me to work for them, which is very flattering, but it does eat away my free time (well actually, devours it, considering that the kids are at home 24/7 - apart from wee S, who still goes to daycare 2.5 days a week). This all means precious little knitting is done, and the great dyes I got last week are still lying in my craft drawer unused. I am having a blast though, as well, it's not all work and no play! This week alone, we've had Monique over for a visit, on Wednesday we had two small boys stay over - 1 and 3 years old, which was great, but did make my tubes curl up and wither away by themselves, two kids is enough for us! - and today me and the kids went to see a colleague translator/client who recently had a baby, on the train! My kids love trains. They love people. They love people on trains. And today, the people on the train loved them. It does make your journey much more fun if pe...