Easter knitting

Easter is a time to reflect, to take some time out and think about life and things. For me it beats Xmas by miles, because however great it is to celebrate the birth of Christ, his death and what that means to us as people, is way more impressive and important! It is also a time to remember those who are no longer with us, and who we miss so much. We have decided to take things easy a bit this weekend, so after a lazy morning watch Star Wars, we cycled out to the playground to have some fun, and spent some time decorating eggs. Even though I actually loathe how beautiful Christian traditions have been 'commercialized', I do decorate the house for Xmas and we have a nice Easter brunch - with home-baked breads and decorated eggs.

As this Sunday we will be enjoying a brunch made FOR us, the egg decorating has also been put forward a bit and was done today, to eat up tomorrow. As I have quite a bit of yarn dye in my stash, I decided to use it for the eggs. If egg dye can be used to dye yarn, yarn dye can be used to dye eggs, right?

And the results are super cool! The colours came out really lovely, and with some stamps and stickers, we ended up with a bunch of lovely decorated eggs, which will be gobbled up tomorrow morning on our Silent Saturday breakfast.
To make the table even more festive, I've been knitting little egg cosy's, based on a lovely Ravelry pattern with pictures under the previous link and the pattern here. There's a few more patterns in the group, so I will be spending tonight making more of these little gems!


MoniqueB. said…
Wat een schattig eierdopjedekjebloemetje. Ik had op Ravelry ook al zo'n leuke witte gezien, met deksel en knoopje. Erg schattig.
Wij hebben nog nooit iets gedaan aan pasen, maar we krijgen altijd een paaslam en paasbrood van mijn moeder. Die staat dágen in de keuken, ook met kleinkinders.

Fijne pasen allemaal.
Jolanda said…
De cyclus van het leven! Fijne paasdagen.
Siem said…
Geweldige eierwarmers erg leuk, fijne paasdagen!
froukje said…
Oh wat een leuke eierwarmer! Goede paasdagen!
Unknown said…
fijne paasdagen lekker veel eieren eten. hmm
Lida said…
Prachtige eieren en een mooie eierwarmer, iets om trots op te zijn.

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