Queen's Day

After buying 3 double-album records, both seasons of The Lakes on video, the 3 Indiana Jones movies on video, 13 Diddl magazines, 6 children's books, one R2D2, one Spiderman, one soft Dory and 4 mini Spongebobs, we called it a day and went home. And to be honest, we only scratched the surface of stalls with kids and adults trying to sell all the stuff that had been filling up their attics for years. Unfortunately nobody was stash busting in Leeuwarden, so no yarn for me... Shame! (Or all the yarn sellers were in those streets and squares we never got to, haha...)
So instead of fondling new yarn, I had to find something else to do when we got home. We decided to make the kids' rooms spring ready (finally), do some serious dusting and hoovering, and while we were upstairs and the beds were being changed, I decided to put Gail out for blocking, which I bound off last night.
Yes, that is my daughter in the background, and next to her is 'Schaduw van de wind' by Carlos Ruis Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind), the book I'm reading at the moment (2 pages at a time, haha).
This shawl was made by me from scratch. Well... I spun the yarn several moons ago, as you can see here, and then got started on Gail nearly straight away... to leave it a few days later when I realized that I had lots of baby knitting to do, and the shawl could wait. And wait. And wait...
Last week, after finishing Lapwing, I decided it had waited long enough. And it was quite amazing how quickly I managed to finish it once I got back to it!
It's a great little pattern, quite easy once you get the hang of it. I found the instructions for the edging to be a bit confusing... After fiddling with it for a while, and then consulting the forums on Ravelry, I realized I just had to knit the first few rows as usual, but without the double yarn-over. And then it was easy-peasy and I could bind off last night during the leadership debate.
I didn't overly block it, as I didn't really have the heart to pull at that carefully spun yarn too much, but it's flat, it's slightly pointy and it's nice and soft and warm.
Can't wait to wear it! (I do now realize I need a new coat to go with it... haha.)
Next project up is another WIP, my Saskia... Another one that has been lying at the bottom of my knitting basket for way too long!

And now for something completely different, as we did more yesterday than knit and watch politicians go blablabla on telly... We lured my mom to the townhall to receive a royal honour. She is now officially a 'lid in de orde van Oranje-Nassau', an honour she really deserved after decades of voluntary work and enormous service to society! Here's my mom getting her honour from the mayor!
Here are the other two 'winners' with their partners, and me and my sis goofing in the background (it was picture number 25,301, and we were starting to joke around a bit). Afterwards, we had a lovely lunch and my mom said that even though she hard started suspecting something this weekend, she never expected this. Little did she know how much trouble we had keeping all this a secret for the last three months...


Jolanda said…
Gefeliciteerd! Are you now lady Frisian Frillies (it runs in the family)?

Het is idd een schande dat niemand zich geroepen voelt om zijn stash aan te bieden, maar hoop doet leven.
Mariella said…
Oh, wauw! Helemaal zelf gesponnen en gebreid, en zo mooi dun! Super!
MoniqueB. said…
Oh Gefeliciteerd Mama-van-A!!!

Goed gescored op de markt dus, hier was het knap minder; 1 bordje.
Je Gail is prachtig, jammer dat ie zo lang moest wachten. gelukkig is het nu effe wat frisser, kan je hem météén om!
Unknown said…
wat een pracht... en lekker groot ook nog.

En gefeliciteerd met je moeder! Nou, zeg!
Anonymous said…
Geweldig dat je moeder deze onderscheiding heeft gekregen en juist nu, wat een mooie "opsteker"!

En Gail is wel heel mooi geworden, draagt net zo fijn als een lintje...? Marijgje
froukje said…
Oooh wat is tie mooi geworden!
hannah said…
Wat is die shawl prachtig geworden!! Dat je dat garen ook nog eens zelf hebt gesponnen maakt het natuurlijk extra mooi en leuk.

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