Back home!

After only one night in hospital, I'm back home: still with two ovaries but without the annoying cyste and a clean uterus. Just a little bit of sore stomach muscles, but nothing that some R&R won't cure.
I have been knitting, the first ball of yarn was knit up just before I had to go in for my operation, and I will start my top again as soon as I've finished my book, which is captivating and almost finished. ;)
More news to follow soon!


So glad to hear all went well. How did your family survive the night? Junk food? Staying up too late? Doesn't matter...
What are you reading??
Marijke said…
There's no place like home! I do hope you are referring to the book you are reading instead of the one you are writing? Take your time to recover.
Ammerins said…
Steph, loads of junkfood indeed, a late night and kids bundled up together in bed like last week ;)
MoniqueB. said…
Da's goed nieuws!!!
Je bent weer door de APK!

Nou zo houden he.

Fijn dat alles in orde is en je weer lekker thuis bent.
Mooi dat het lekker weer is, zijn de kinderen ook heerlijk aan het spelen en kan jij bijkomen.
Jolanda said…
Wat fijn om te horen, maar eh, doe je wel rustig aan?
Unknown said…
gelukkig allemaal goed gegaan. en nu niet gelijk weer tuinhekjes gaan schilderen he?!

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