An image says more than a thousand words

This is how they've slept the last two nights. Two little angels (don't ask how they behaved during the daytime, because the sleep only comes after a lot of laughter and playing and music, ergo short nights, ergo cranky kids)! I'll have to miss this sight a few evenings next week, as I found out today that I have to go into hospital on Monday for a planned cyste removal. It's a bit eh... sudden! I've been on the waiting list for weeks, and it turned out they had the wrong phone number. The fact that it was right on the official forms and that I'm listed in the phonebook apparently didn't matter. Anyway, just enough time to ensure that the kiddies and daddy are taken care of and that other appointments are moved (which was not easy, as it's a day off today for a lot of people, and I also had a work appoint halfway across the country today - thank God for e-mail and Internet!).
It also means that I'll be printing out a few knitting patterns for the hospital and downloading some podcasts for the Blackberry. I have to be there a day early, to give them enough time to run through my medical history 5 times (note to self: I should put in on tape and just play it, to save my voice), take my blood pressure 10 times and to give all the relevant doctors and nurses the opportunity to poke and prod me. Joy.
Anyway, I hope to be back with my wee angels (and darling hubby, the responsible adult on duty) on Wednesday, cyste-less and painfree! With a few FO's ;)


MoniqueB. said…
Oh hemel. je wordt een prikkussen in het ziekenhuis. 5x het zelfde onderzoek? Check, check and double check. Maar het heeft gelukkig nut.

Fijn dat de kinderen opgevangen worden, jij helemaal tot rust (??) komt in het ziekenhuis en helemaal tiptop er weer uitkomt.

ALvast beterschap en een goed herstel.
JosĂ© said…
Ai, sterkte in het ziekenhuis, en alvast veel beterschap gewenst!
You summed up life in the hospital so well...lots of poking, prodding, being a learning opportunity for residents...sigh. My knitting and gardening mentor and dear friend is in the hospital (she's 76) and LOVES having the opportunity to REST as she's worked like a horse her whole life through. So knit and heal...your kids will be in good hands with Steve!
Jolanda said…
Sterkte en weet dat jouw kinderen in goede handen zijn!
Marijke said…
Better let as net... Veel sterkte!

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