I love Kenny!

Even though I had promised to do it earlier, only today did I find the time to do some blocking. I had also finished my Drops top, so both my Saskia and top went into a little bath and then outside under a towel (in the case of the top) and onto the bed, stuck down with pins to keep it in shape (in case of the shawl).
The top came out great. It fits nicely (even though knits can sometimes look huge!) and I love the neckline with the ruffle, which gives just a little (ahum) boost to my bust.
And boy, do I look slim! (Yes yes, I know, still several pounds to go, but the 70kg mark is drawing nigh... - don't look at the mess in our hallway...)

Pattern: Yoke top
Yarn: Drops Alpaca, both single and double thread.
Needles: 4 and 5 mm, knit in the round.
Size: I knit size L, and probably would have gotten away with a size M. I also realize I don't like knitting this much stockinette, but the promise of the yoke kept me going :) I did not use as much yarn as indicated, so I will use the leftovers for some nice cuddly toys!

The shawl took a bit more tweeking. I realized I had to double it over to actually block it properly, and luckily I had the right side up. Because I saw this:
Can you see it? Left top, around 2-3 leaves in? Aaaaaah, yes. A. Hole. Far enough from the top to not immediately get out the knitting needles, rip back and reknit. Bummer!
Basically, what had happened, is that where you knit three stitches together (left of the hole), I had dropped a stitch. So, I picked up the three live stitches below it on a needle, and as soon as the shawl is dry later tonight, I will work them up and secure the stitch with a little knot. Problem solved (I hope). Pfew! Close call! (Project details next time)
To make myself feel better, I put Kenny to work today. First he kneeded the dough for a walnut cake, which was (actually still is) delicious:
And then I decided to make some bread. Kenny has no problems with standing there kneeding dough for fifteen minutes, while my left arm (and then my right) do start to protest when I'm kneeding it by hand (or even with my mixer, which will start to smoke after a while too). I love my Kenny!
I got Kenny last week, as even though I am totally smitten by the KitchenAid, the price tag threw me off a bit. And this one was affordable, so I just snapped him off the shelf and took him home, where he is now a fixed member of our household staff. I'm now saving up money for the attachments, especially the pasta ones and the mini mill, for the Kenwood Little Chef. If you have any and aren't using them (just in case), please consider me as a worthy cause for donation. I have noticed that the attachments are a lot cheaper in the UK, so I will probably cave in on our holiday in a few weeks and return back home with a few extra bits in my suitcase. 

On another note: stash enhancement
How I do it, I don't know... But every time someone donates yarn to our SnB group, I end up taking loads of it home. Is it that I can't resist the yarn or can the yarn not resist me? Apart from the odd ball that will disappear straight into my stash box and will be used for whenever I want to hook up a crazy bag again, here's my loot:
Two skeins of Durable cotton, both nr. 8, which makes it fingering weight. I have a crazy idea of turning this into some kind of flower net curtain, a bit like this but then bigger. Still thinking though. Might also turn them into some celestines ;)
Three balls of something. No idea what. But, it is lovely and soft and around 135 grams, so a nice baby top will definitely be knit up out of this. Or a top for my little mermaid. We'll see.
What definitely will be knit up into a top for mermaid are these balls. Vintage Hema! Acrylic/cotton/nylon mix for size 5-6 needles. I have 4 balls, so around 200 grams. I like this, but might totally change my mind when glossing through my own knitting magazines.
My biggest gift was this, a whole bag full (11 balls) of Gratia de Luxe. No idea what this was, but it contains a fine metal thread, which makes it shimmer. It has a yellowy/green sheen which you can't see here. Aafke knit a great top out of this in blue, so I asked her for some advice on how to knit with it. For some reason, I fell in love with this pattern (yes... more stockinette... sigh...) and I have the audacity to think I can knit it in a size Medium (haha...).
This was a find in the thrift shop in Drachten. As we bought a stack of books and some other stuff, I have no idea how much it cost (we paid 6 euros in total, so I'm calling this a free ball of yarn, haha). It is really thin, almost spider weight, and after I've added some more colour to it, I'll go looking for a nice pattern. This is just screaming out for a huge, huge shawl... I got Marieke's NiddyNoddy to skein it up a bit for dyeing, after I had been to her house to fondle some yarn. She sells this you see:
Manos  Lace. Totally squeeeeee!!! I'm knitting this up into a Haruni, my holiday project to bring with me to Portrush in two weeks time...

That nearly was my update for today! To finish off some baby sockies I knit for my niece last week, and which are already becoming too small. I'm now knitting her some new ones in a size bigger. Babies do grow so fast!!!

Right, time for some more of that walnut cake and then tackle that hole... Wish me luck!


aafke7 said…
He, het zijn zelfs 11 Gracia bollen! Dat is heerlijk veel! Kun je wel een joekel van maken! Veel plezier er mee! En bedankt voor je aardige vermelding!
Herma said…
Jee, wat een geweldige top zeg. Staat je enorm goed!!!
Sjaal is ook geweldig. Wat ben je toch productief zeg!
En erg grappig dat alle die wolletjes dan weer met jou mee naar huis willen hahaha.
Geniet er maar lekker van.
Siem said…
Wauw ik wil ook een Kenny en wat een geweldige top en wat ben je dun!!!
MoniqueB. said…
Lekker!! Walnootcake. Heerlijk.
Met al dat garen kom je de zomer wel door. De top is geweldig; de vorm en de kleur staan je goed.
De sjaal is ook mooi en wanneer gerepareerd ook klaar voor gebruik.
Die Kenny doet zĂł z'n best, hahaha.
Great sweater/top!

Ooh, that Manos looks delicious!

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