Back from our holiday to Norn Iron

We're still buzzing, people. Totally loved it! It was mint! After what had felt like way too long we finally were able to hug our friends Damien, Katrina, Mark, Orla, and Alistair, have granny Mary-Ann spoil the kids rotten, and just enjoy being 'back'. Because that is how it felt.

We stayed in a beautiful apartment in Portrush, with enough bedrooms to accommodate us and granny Mary-Ann, a massive kitchen where I actually cooked as well, next to a train stop, which made travelling a breeze, and five minutes from the West Strand. Heaven! We went to the Giant's Causeway, explored Portrush, enjoyed the beach and many of the cafés and playgrounds around town, and travelled to Coleraine and Portstewart. The kids absolutely loved it, and we were all in tears when the plane took off and we flew home again...
But, we're making plans to relocate! The feeling had been nagging for a while, but we're sure about it now. Coleraine it will be! It's all sooo exciting, but scary as .... at the same time... So, anyone want to buy a house in Leeuwarden?


Marijke said…
I was going to comment: welcome back, but then read on. Oh no, you are leaving us!
Well, welcome back anyway. We'll probably be able to enjoy your company at the SnB for quite a while yet.
Wehhhh!!! That's amazing! I should've married an Irishman, too...although my father-in-law was born in Belfast, so I guess that's close enough. Now when we visit Ireland we'll see you too! Wonderful news, and how marvellous to see old friends. I dream of everyone from "there", to this day (and it's been 15 years!!)
Sounds like you had a fantastic trip!

How far will you be relocating to?
Ammerins said…
@Robyn, it's 'only' a few hours by plane and car, but basically from the North of the Netherlands to Coleraine in Northern Ireland (I'm a Northern lass at heart ;)
WOW Londonderry, that's not around the corner!!! That's a lot further away than North East Groningen...
Jolanda said…
Wat fijn om te horen dat je je plek hebt gevonden! Heerlijk lijkt mij dat. Lang leve de moderne communicatie middelen, dus hoewel je dan niet meer op aanraakafstand bent, ben je toch maar één muisklik away. Ik duim voor een spoedige (goede) verkoop van het huis.
MoniqueB. said…
Ik kan me voorstellen dat de verleiding niet te weerstaan was, nu dat je daadwerkelijk weer voet op die aarde hebt gezet!
Wat een heerlijk gevoel moet dat zijn. Dubbel, maar als je je daar thuis voelt; wie houd je tegen??

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