
In a not too distant past (well... say, about 13 years ago), a certain guy cast me in a play called Fireraisers by Max Frisch. I only had a small part in the play, but we all had a blast and the director and I ended up getting married two years later. I'm in the process of getting his fourth (I think?) pair of socks finished in time for our 11th wedding anniversary in October (which should be feasible), but I want to show you now what my Firestarters/Fireraisers look like that I knit over the last few months - and finished in the place where we met: Belfast. I have called them Biedermanns, after the main characters in the play...

I had to reknit the second sock twice from the heel, as I had just forgotten that the leg was ribbed until I pulled the first sock out to see how many repeats I had to knit. I was on the plane at the time, so the guy next to me was introduced to a few Dutch expletives, after which I carefully started ripping out the sock (the yarn does not like being frogged, really), sighed, and started knitting again. 
Only a day later and they were done, and I'm wearing them at the moment. They are a bit tickly, but I'm not too oversensitive when it comes to yarn, so they feel nice and comfy to me!
Pattern: Firestarter by Yarnissima
Yarn: Drops Delight
Needles: 2.5 mm circular
Alterations: none, they were perfect!

My other holiday project was finished, until I noticed a huge hole halfway down just after I had cast it off on the train back home. My jubilation of having finished it before getting back instantly changed into gloom, and again I was ripperdyripping back a lot of hard work. The hole was just not fixable, and I actually had to admit that it was actually a bit small too... So, after a few tears and a restart, I have now arrived at chart B again, so Haruni should be ready soon!


Oh, that's so nice how you guys met. Great socks. I think I've only ever knit 4 pairs also for my hubby. Or working on the 4th pair. (Though in 5 years of marriage).
Jolanda said…
Oh, wat romantisch! Ik ben op anderhalf sok in een 14 jarig huwelijk blijven steken (geen scheiding, maar de sok is domweg nog niet af).
Unknown said…
ha, dat is toch wel toevallig. Ik ben ook in de vakantie bezig geweest met dezelfde firestarters. Mijne zijn bijna klaar. Jij breit duidelijk een stuk sneller dan ik. Ben benieuwd naar de haruni in Manos Lace!!!
Heehee...wonder who I might have married if I'd been ready for it when I lived in Belfast! Romantic story. i came across some great pics of your hubby from way back when...will have to get them scanned one of these days and share them. Your socks are amazing. You have more patience than me...and to rip out a whole piece...waaah! I would have done it too, though. You'd always curse that little hole if you hadn't fixed it!

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