Today I saw...

A boy who can draw. He was never interested in drawing. The best we could get out of him was scratches all over a piece of paper. And then all of a sudden, it clicked, and we were treated to this.
Drawing number 1, still a bit tentative, but definitely a Batman with long wings/arms and two ears:
And then the floodgates opened, here is granny, sporting here new post-chemo short cropped hair (which, according to our wee man, should be red, but is now grey):
A turtle:
And then a picture of one of his daycare teachers who is leaving, with himself (I asked him why he only drew one eye, and he explained he drew himself in profile - 'I am drawing myself like this [he turned sideways], that is why there is only one eye') holding her hand. And of course a bright yellow sun:

Our little budding artist... Just in time for school!


Marijke said…
That is sooo sweet. The turtle is amazing. Your wee S. is still really looking at what he is seeing, which Frederick Franck is trying to teach us adults all over again in The Zen of Seeing.
Oh wow - great drawings! Sean just started making drawings with stick people, I love it!
Jolanda said…
Holy crap Batman. That boy is Wonderboy!

Zo ontroerend.

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