Skew you too!

A while ago, on the Dutch RAK group at Ravelry, one of our members asked for some assistance with some sock knitting. She said she'd love to have homeknit socks, but had never managed to knit a pair herself. So, Aal and I came to the rescue. Within 3 days of sending off the yarn, she had her first pair of socks back from Aal. That woman is so amazingly fast!!! My socks took a bit longer, mainly because I had to rip back a few times.  Knitting late at night, having to calculate while knitting, bad lightling... etc... But, eventually, they did get done!!! I suggested knitting her some Skew socks, as with the self-striping yarn she sent me, I thought the effect would be super cool. And it turned out great, even though I was a bit miffed to see that the colour depth was not the same throughout the ball of yarn. Luckily this only becomes really apparent in the leg part, which most people have under their trousers ;)

A few pictures of the socks still here...

See the difference?
And here are the socks on the happy feet of the recipient, Marianne...
Another happy 'customer'! Enjoy!!!


Aal said…
Mooi gemaakt Ammerins! Tja, jammer van dat kleurverschil he. Ik haat dat, evenals draadjes die midden in een bol aan elkaar geknoopt zijn :(
Anonymous said…
mooi en wat een leuk idee van jullie om dit te doen! Marijgje
Spectre120 said…
OOOOH, ik zie nu pas je blog! Wat een heerlijke sokken zijn het, ik draag ze supervaak!

Dank je wel!!!
Ze zijn echt heel leuk, net een zuurstok gedraaid
Ilonka said…
Wat een superleuke kleurtjes hegje gebruikt voor je sokken.
Ik heb je bij mijn bloglist gezet.

Groetjes ilonka

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