Simply Stockinette

It's been. It's been busy the last year. And it's not really letting off... Work, getting the house ready to be sold; it's busy in my head, in our house, in my diary.
So, small projects are best! Preferably projects in stockinette, which are relaxing and not too demanding. Spoke is slowly but surely getting finished (knitting the sleeves now), while the second hatheel sock is also getting there, but at the moment, I'm knitting these:
Yup, hats. Lots of hats. Very tiny little hats for tiny little babies in India. Save the Children has a great project on at the moment, with a lovely informative website to go with it: Brei voor India. Using the very easy instructions and pattern, we have set to work. Yes, WE! The idea of our SnB group trying to knit enough hats to fill a huge box to send to the organization in time for Sinterklaas was met with a lot of enthusiasm. With me, around 20 other moms and grandmoms are now knitting these tiny hats. I hope to show you the entire collection at the beginning of December, but now it's time to knit a few more...
If you want to knit along, please do!!! If you can't read the pattern, mail me. If you can't knit, donate.


Aal said…
Hoi Ammerins, ik ben al begonnen: heb net de vierde op de ennen gezet! Heerlijk, zo'n klein projectje tussendoor. Alleen.... ik kan niet stoppen! Ik denk dat het er zeker wel 10 gaan worden....;-)
Jolanda said…
Mooi! Ik doe ook mee.
MoniqueB. said…
Oh, bijna vergeten. het patroon print NU uit, dus er komt wat aan!
Ammerins said…
Ja Aal, ik zei toch ook, ik verwacht er minstens 10 van jou! ;) Iedereen veel breiplezier. Ik moet nog even wat tussendoor breien voor de Sint-rak, maar we gaan doooooor!

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