DIY Xmas

So, any ideas what to put in your Xmas tree this year? Had enough of those shiny new glass baubles which cost you a fortune (and always break)? Then go DIY! We are having great fun this year making our own Xmas decorations; not only am I crocheting and stapling, but we've also made salt dough figures and are in the midst of turning these into great Xmas decorations (most of which will be handed out as gifts - actually our 'Xmas cards' - as we only have a 5 ft tree). It is great fun - and you can get the kids to help too! ;)
First, you have to make your dough. Remember, the drying out takes a while, so be sure to make this in advance! We made a double batch, which gives you over 3 trays full of decorations, but for a 'normal' batch, you need the following:

  • 250g of salt
  • 500g of flour (white, 'patentbloem', not wholegrain, use that for your bread, please...)
  • 300ml water
  • 2tbsp oil

Mix this all up into firm dough and start rolling. Make them around half a cm thick and then cut out with cookie cutters. I was in NI a few weeks ago and got these great ones, which add structure as well as shape (note the cup ;) ). But any Xmassy cookie cutters will do! Make sure you put a hole in the top for your ribbon. A hole that is BIG ENOUGH (I cannot stress this enough, I'm afraid, I learnt that from experience, I'm afraid - luckily we have superglue...)
After cutting out your 'cookies', put them on baking paper in the oven (you can put in several trays at the time) and then start drying them out. 2 hours at 80 and then several more hours at 100. It takes a looooong time. I did put a batch in the microwave, on the lower settings, but they turned brown and started bubbling at the back. I didn't like that at all, so I prefer the slow, slow, slow method in the oven. And then just leave them out to dry completely.
When you're left with this...
... call in the troops to put on the base coat! Hubby helped with the cutting out as well, and he thought it was super duper fun getting stuck in the painting.

When these are dry, go crazy! Use paints, glitter, stick-on stars and anything festive you have to decorate these little wonders!


Our messy table...

If you're feeling adventurous, you can do this too: make little snowmen or gifts from the dough. They can topple over, so put a little stick in it to keep things upright. These 3D decorations are mighty heavy though! (Although they are super duper cute...)
If you're less of a baker, get out your crochet needles! The Garnstudio Advent Calendar already had two lovely figures to crochet, of which I've made this:
There are loads more cool ornaments out there, both on yarn company websites, like Lion Brand, where I found this one, and Ravelry:
If you like snowflakes, go the Snowcatcher's blog. She publishes the most amazing snowflakes! I made some last year, but they're in the box of ornaments I haven't been able to find (missing the angel as well, of course), with our nativity set. 
To make sure we did have some angelic ornaments hanging about the house and in preparation of putting the proper set in our window, we made this! Our little angel is loving it up in our wee real Xmas tree!
All you need is some corrugated card, tinsel, cotton wool and decoration. Oh, and a stapler, and a kindergartner to help you ;)

Have a great Xmas, and don't forget: it's not about Santa, it's not about presents, it's about the gift and preciousness of life and love!
(peace out)


Siem said…
Wat een geweldig idee die deeg figuurtjes en wat zijn ze leuk geworden!! Mooi je gehaakte paddenstoel
Krista said…
For the oven settings i'm assuming thats in Celcius? And what kind of base coat and paints should be used or will any work? Thanks! These sound like excellent give ideas :)
What a great idea! That looks like fun!
Jolanda said…
Waar haal die geweldige vormen vandaan?

Het resultaat mag er zijn!
Ammerins said…
Krista: it's all in Celcius and metric... simple conversion should do! We used just regular kids paints, but any type of water-based paint should do!

Jolanda: the TK-Maxx in Coleraine... Sorry :) Much better cookery selection over there...
Paul Herber said…
Wow... Great idea!! Still i have any idea regarding the celebration.. Its very informative....

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