2010 in pictures...

Almost all of my projects... There were some more, but these were the main ones... I see a colour pattern emerging... This year, I'm trying more colours! Promise :D
In total:
7 pairs of socks
4 hats
5 pairs of mittens/gloves
2 baby bibs
5 stuffed toys
2 Xmas ornaments
7 shawls/scarves
2 bags (1 sewn)
5 sweaters/tops
1 baby dress

One scarf I hadn't showed you properly: it's the one with the lovely girl in it. I had quite a lot of yarn left after knitting my Haruni, so I decided to knit our Mermaid a mini Annis:
It only needed 18 grams of yarn. Which means I have enough left to knit another one. (Just in case she looses this one. Ahum, ever the pessimist...) I had intended to use beads, but the holes of the beads I had were just too small, ending up ripping the yarn. So, I ended up knitting nupps after all...
And the shawl in all its glory... I used quite a large needle compared to the yarn, but that made it possible to make 7-loop nupps, which stand out nicely after blocking. A great little 'test run' for the Estonian shawls I'll be knitting this year! (Yes really!)

I just remembered I've totally excluded the hats for India (6)! I'm off to knit some more of those as we speak...

I'm looking forward to another great year for crafting. I can also let you know that me and the Hubby have a crafting business idea brewing; a little 'bun in the oven' so to speak. It's still in idea stage, but it's a great idea (if we can say so ourselves) and we hope that it will come to fruition and realization this year. A prime year, the best year to take an enormous leap of faith...


Jolanda said…
Oh, wat een prachtig jaar overzicht!
You put me to shame. I can count 14 UFOs in my basket...inspired! I'm so impressed with how prolific and skilled you are. Can't wait to hear about your idea! All the best in 2011!
Gorgeous Shawl!

Love your round up of 2010!

Happy New Year!

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