A crafty weekend

This was one much-anticipated weekend... We were going to the Handwerkbeurs in Zwolle ! This craft fair is absolutely amazing, chockful of traders, not only for knitting and crochet, but also for other crafts. We were a bit on the late side, so I immediately ran to my Swedisch embroidery course, by Blomsterstuga . Excuse my terrible picture, but this is my first attempt at 'yllebroderi'. The beginning of a cover for my BlackBerry It was great to brush up on skills that I have, and to get to know a bit more about the traditional Swedish patterns... After I finished this workshop, Mermaid started hers. She had been walking around with Hubby, and she saw that it was possible to make 'whish hearts', something she really wanted to give a try: Utter concentration... Even though I am a experienced crafter myself, I suffer from a condition which has stopped me passing on what I know up to now: lack of patience... It takes time to teach a (now) 8-year-old how to do a bl...