Queen of ice

When my mom asked my to knit a cowl for one of her girlfriends, who will be celebrating her birthday next weekend, and she tried to explain to me what she would like, I was a bit at a loss... She said her friend had admired a woman in a restaurant wearing something soft and squishy, light and white and with cables. Well, light, squishy and cables don't really go together in my mind, if I thing of light and squishy, I think mohair, lace knitting, and the odd bead here and there.
So, just on the off-chance that it would also be a good choice, I started knitting Ice Queen. It was a great knit, even though the beads are a story of their own. I bought the beads on the Internet, and, as before when I did that, I managed to buy beads with the tiniest of holes, just big enough for the yarn to pass through - but no way would I be able to use a crochet hook to get them on. As I didn't want to fiddle with metal wire (I did consider it for about two seconds), I decided to thread them. All 300 of them. It took me an evening and lots of sighing and watching TV, but when it was done, it was just a case of just moving them along and knitting them.
The cowl came with me to the hospital, but because of the beads (and as I realized there, at around 3AM, that I didn't have enough beads to finish the 16 repeats...), it stayed in my bag and I knit some India hats (more about that in the post tomorrow...). As soon as we got home again, I ordered beads, and then two days later, got back to knitting.
The pattern is lovely, and even the picot cast-off was not as complicated as I thought it would be. I love the little twists that are created just before the picots, and will definitely use that technique again in the future.
Before I handed over this handful of squishy, soft goodness to my mom - who loved it and said her friend would love it too - she reminded me to take some pictures for my blog and for Ravelry ;) She knows me too well, haha...
Don't mind the neck...
I love beads...
The final result
The cowl was knit from Drops Kid-silk, colour: naturel. Just under a skein. I used Gutermann white pearls, around 450 ;)


You're completely insane. The knitter I will never be! It's BEAUTIFUL!
Herma said…
Wat enorm mooi! Was moeders tevreden? EN vriendin blij?
Wow that cowl is stunning!
MoniqueB. said…
Ik had gedacht dat de kraaltjes véél groter waren. Maar het valt mee. Het staat iig prachtig.
Ze is er vast erg blij mee.

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