Casualty... again...

After slipping in a street fountain in August, falling behind the sofa in November, Batman decided to start February off with a bang. A big bang. A type of bang that makes your heart skip about ten beats and turn your hair grey.
Last Sunday night, just before we wanted to get the kids to bed so we could start our Pre-Superbowl Party, Sam fell down the stairs. Probably 3 or 4 steps, but for a little 3.5 ft boy, that's high, comparable to around 7 ft for us! We heard a big bang and found him lying on his back at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily, he came to his senses quickly, started moving about and started crying, but we did not want to take any risks and rushed him to the hospital straight away.
Where we were put in the waiting room. For 2 hours.
A bit of a misunderstanding... We ran into the door for the Out of Hours GP, but as Batman threw up all over the hallway (nice) and was not really responsive, they should have sent us on to Casualty straight away. But, alas, despite us going up to the desk twice, the lady was very adament that we should just wait until a GP was able to see us.
As soon as one was available (it was very busy with loads of people wanting a new prescription for Calpol...), he picked up the phone and called the ER to send down a trolley.
The ER nurse was livid. Batman had been lucky to not have been severely injured, but this should not have happened! He stressed that this case would be discussed in the staff meeting the next day, to ensure it would not happen again and staff at the OoH GP would realize that a 4yo boy, not responsive, throwing up, having fallen down the stairs, should be sent on. No questions asked!
Anyway, after a CT scan, which confirmed a slight fracture, but no dislocation of the skull bone, and a concussion, we waited until Batman got brought up to Paeds. In the meantime, Hubby and Mermaid scooted off home to get some clothes and my laptop, as I would have to stay the night as well. I hardly slept, as Batman was on one-hourly ops and was still throwing up, and managed to get the translation edited that was due the next morning (yep, life goes on with a vengeance...).
Around lunchtime, Batman got a sepository against vomiting and some pain relief, and he visibly perked up. The neurologist did want him to stay another night, as he was still under obs until that evening and she was off duty and wouldn't be back to discharge him until the next day. We both were asleep by half 8, knackered!
Batman in the hospital bed with Bert
In the hospital playroom with Lars and Mart
Tuesday morning came and Batman was back to his old self, enjoying the TV and playing with the other two boys on the ward. Then, after lunch, we were cleared to go home.
And has he learnt anything? Of course not... But we have! Little Batman will be kept under close surveillance for the time being, no running up the stairs by himself, no jumping on the sofa... To make this easier, we bought him lots of Lego, which keeps him entertained. Yesterday, he wanted to go back to school, and he did really well (i.e. got sent to detention for fighting, sigh...), but today he realized that getting punished doesn't get you any Lego, so he has decided to listen to us a bit more... I hope this phase will last...


Aal said…
Oei, dat is schrikken als je kind van de trap valt, laat staan dat je ook nog 2 nachten in het ziekenhuis moet doorbrengen! Gelukkig is Batman weer genoeg hersteld om zich te laten verwennen met Lego! Sterkte met het verwerken van de schrik, want zoiets heeft wel best wel impact.
Blij dat het avontuur weer goed afloopt, arme knul en arme jullie!
Herma said…
Wat een schrik voor jullie allemaal!!!
Jullie ook maar aan de Lego om rustig bij te komen van alle commotie.
froukje said…
Ja inderdaad een hele schrik! Gelukkig dat hij weer lekker thuis is.
Hope he feels better soon & recovers fully.

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