Leeuwarden was knitmobbed!

It was sooooo much fun! Even though we nearly got arrested, it got dark way too quickly and we should have brought about a gazillion times more flowers... :D Still smiling!
An impression of our evening....
Where we met up. See those two women, girl and baby? Secret knit mobbers! All in all there were about 20 of us, plus the film/photo crew of the Leeuwarder Courant, the newspaper who approached us with the idea and who will be doing a feature on it in Saturday's paper. A link to/with the article will be up then!
At exactly 6PM all of us stopped what we were doing and started knitting. The camera man pulled out his camera and the photographer was shooting away. We knitted for about 5 minutes and then went to leave for coffee. Of course, I wanted to leave our poster, but while I was sticking up the second one, was approached by the Railway police, who showed me his ID and nicely summoned us to leave or else. The camera man was also frowned upon. So, I picked up the posters again and off we went, giggling and laughing at this close shave with the 'law'...
After a cup of coffee, the first group went outside to plant their flowers in the park. Then we set off to release ours. We hung them on railings, bridges, fences and signposts. It was great to see flowers sprouting up here and there...

It was cold outdoors! Inside, we got chatting and got loads of cool ideas about our fifth anniversary, which will be in September! The journalist who is going to write the article, stayed on for a bit and was chatting to many of the knitters.
I'm very curious about how the article is going to turn out! Hopefully it will get us even more knitters, so that we can fill out the terrace this Summer!


Herma said…
Wat een geweldig verslag!!
Jij bent een razend snelle reporter zeg.
Na alle indrukken en kou kon het er bij mij niet meer uitgeperst worden. Toch nog maar eens weer doen hé!
DutchAstrid said…

Volgende keer doe ik weer mee, hoor!
Marijke said…
Bedankt voor de sfeerimpressie. Het ziet er hartstikke leuk uit.
Aal said…
Wat was dit leuk he. Filmpje nu ook op You Tube: cool! Kan niet wachten op de krant van zaterdag en vandaag ook al een foto op de regio pagina.
Jolanda said…
And we were there! Geweldige ervaring.
He naughty girl, wat was het leuk en een gezellig verslag zo! Prachtige flyer heb je gemaakt!
hannah said…
Mooi verslag van een geweldige actie! Wat spannend zeg, je mag blijkbaar geen posters ophangen?!

Hopelijk geeft het artikel een goede impuls voor anderen om ook/weer/meer te gaan breien.

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