... and done!

And then all of a sudden, I'm on a roll and two WIPs are quickly turned into FOs...
I am very proud of my Blushes... The heart pattern comes out beautifully, especially on wide feet like mine ;) I sort of didn't check the pattern at all apart from using the heart chart, so no idea if there were any weirdities in the pattern...
I used Jenny's incredibly stretchy bind-off to bind off. And guess what, incredibly stretchy... I only made one difference in not making a difference between the yo for the knit and purl stitches. It just looked nicer to me this way. And they fit around by Frisian calves!
Pattern: Blush, by Aliyya Behles
Yarn: Brown Sugar, by Dutch Wool Diva
Needles: Addi 2.5 mm circulars

And the silk mittens are done!
The second one knit up way easier than the first one, mostly because I drew the silk more evenly, and you do get used to knitting with silk. Beware of garden hands though!!! Silk manages to find any hook or loose piece of skin anywhere, and also likes to stick to clothing, passing children and wet lips (pffffieuw). These will be my 'I'm typing and it's cold' mittens, now stored away until the next cold spell...
Note to self: if you know gardens and silk don't go together, don't put silk mittens on a plant to photograph them (duh)... ;)
Pattern: started out with the small Mawata silk mitten pattern, but made them fingerless. Big enough for my wide hands!
Yarn: silk hankies, Dutch Wool Diva, used about 2, still plenty over for a nice something...
Needles: Addi 2.5 mm (I think...) circular needles

And despite having several WIPs still in my knitting basket, I started on a new thing...
Yes, a Citron... More to come on this soon! And also more to come on this little secret project..


Great projects. I especially love Blushes!

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