
London has I Knit, New York (State) has Rhinebeck, and now Nieuwegein has Breidag. This two-day festival celebrating yarn and fiber crafting - held today and tomorrow - is new, funky and cool! I went today and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I did have quite a strict schedule, and was still on a yarn diet, but that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun!
The fun started a few days ago on Ravelry, when a certain Mrs. Merina Zwartehamel sent e-mails to people who were going to attend today, promising them a try of her Black Angora Gold, if they would bleat at her as a secret message. Immediately, the talk started on the forum: who was this mystery woman? What was this magic Black Gold she was talking about? Today it all came out: this was our Mrs. Zwartehamel, alias Snorrepot, alias Anna, who was handing out black liquorice (goat's) drop(ping)s for everyone to enjoy. Great fun! (Remember what date it is today?)
Then it was time for me to act as SnB rep and pattern doctor. I got presented with a few knitting and crochet challenges, but was able to help out everyone to their satisfaction, and we even convinced a few very conservative women from Spakenburg to check out Ravelry!
After my shift, I had an hour for lunch and purchases. All I really needed were some circular sock needles, and I was going to trade a mixer for some silk hankies with Dutch Wool Diva (shop back online after the fair). I also fell for a black/dark blue/shimmery batt for spinning I had already seen in Zwolle.
After lunch it was time for my workshop. I went brioche knitting with Nancy Marchant, the Goddess of Brioche! I had tried the stitch way, way, way, way, long ago, but she has opened up my eyes to several cool techniques, which I will definitely use for some nice scarfs, hats and mittens for the hubby for next winter! It does take a bit of time to get your head around terms like brkyobrk, brLinc and brRinc ;)
To the right is the lovely Mrs. Marchant. She was wearing a lovely bicolour brioche shawl, so delicate! I always identify brioche with dense, wintery knitting, but it is also great for other things.
My attempt at brioche, with homespun yarn (yes, I'm a show-off..).
As we finished early, I got a second chance to browse around the fair. I also got to check up on the lovely shawls - or actually, works of art - by Monique from Kantwerk, and meet more Ravelrists. This shawl is absolutely stunning, STUNNING! It is huge, and the detail and designs are amazing. I feel beyond jealous! More proud actually, because she's a good friend too :D

I also 'splashed out'  on two hangers to identify myself as a knitter and spinner. If people don't know what my hobby is now, I don't know what to do anymore...
I had a GREAT Day, and hope that there will be more Breidagen to come in the future!


Aal said…
Wow Ammerins, dat klinkt allemaal heel super! Ik mag morgen; kanniewachtu!
Herma said…
Wat een boeiend verslag!
Ja, wat was het een geweldige dag hé!
Hopelijk wordt het zo goed bezocht dat dit een jaarlijks terugkomend festijn kan worden!
Wat een heerlijk verhaal om te lezen, je hebt je vermaakt! Het was een mooie dag he!
MoniqueB. said…
Wow, dat was een drukke dag. Ik had zĂł graag naast je willen zitten met Brioche, maar dat is voor een andere keer.
Leuk dat je m'n shawl mooi vind. En je kettingen zijn prachtig!!
Jolanda said…
Wow, wat een prachtig verslag!
Anonymous said…
Ik vind dat liedje van Hetty Blok zo leuk, als ik er in m n eentje naar luister, dan gier ik van het lachen vooral met die prachtige plaatjes er bij.

groetjes van Peter.
(ik doe ook aan handwerken dus komt het vast goed met me)

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