In progress...
Nothing finished to show yet, as I'm suffering from severe startitis, gardenitis and workoverloaditis, but I am still plodding along at a few things...
The hankies are being torn apart and turned into fingerless mittens, to wear while working on the computer (not necessary now, as the weather is glo-ri-ous, and the garden office season has already been officially opened and celebrated with its first office barbecue).
The hankies are being torn apart and turned into fingerless mittens, to wear while working on the computer (not necessary now, as the weather is glo-ri-ous, and the garden office season has already been officially opened and celebrated with its first office barbecue).
The merino and silk blend has been spun up and partially plied. The 2-ply and singles will be knitted up into a Citron, probably...
And my Blush socks are now at their final pattern repeat. Cuff, here I come...
But first, I'm going to retire to my office again...
Note the arty piece of driftwood we found last weekend on the beach. Apparently, it's a Star Wars gun. ;)