Tour de Fleece - day 17

After two days of spinning white, today, on the rest day, it was time for some colour. Not that the weather co-operated in making it a colourful day, though! It rained, and rained, and rained... Several roads were blocked because the sewers couldn't handle it, a water mains pipe burst because of the pressure (not here, luckily), and I'd say roofers and plumbers will be busy today.
But we, we knitted. We as in me and hubby. Yes, he did it! I'm so proud! He knit a few rows and despite still finding it a bit fiddly, he has great technique. He has already promised mermaid a pen roll, so we'll see how quickly that gets finished.
I got to grips with the 'Expectations' pattern, and while watching one revelation after another unfold on the tv (both in the hacking scandal and the football club buying scandal - which was, obviously, not covered at all on the other programs) I managed to get quite a bit done. The yarn is lovely and shiny, which you can't really see yet. It needs more sun to be able to show it in all its glory!


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