Tour de Fleece - day 21

I can see the finish line... Last night, the second half of the French sheep was spun up. It went so quickly, unbelievable! So while we were switching from the news (Oslo/Norway, speechless...) to Holland's Got Talent (also speechless, but in a different way) and back, I also turned it into a 2-ply soft, bulky yarn. I didn't get round to carding, that's on the program for today.
Today is also decision day, what will I spin? I have three natural-looking blends which are ready to go, or I can get the drum carder in full swing and card enough colourful roving to get me through the evening. Or, I can get a start on the funky yarn I bought at the Weversmarkt... Dilemma's...
Coffee first, I think...


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