Tour de Fleece - day 23

Cadel Evans won the Tour de France, and I won my own Tour de Fleece! 23 days of spinning (with 2 days off...) resulting in 1476 grams of spun yarn and lots of material to knit sweaters, scarves, socks, hats etc. with. I had a blast! I am so going to miss my Maillot Orange team on Ravelry... hope we'll keep in touch on the regular spinning forum! I met loads of new friends and found out I actually quite like spinning. A lot.
Yesterday was quite a marathon session for me, and while the cyclists were already on their fifth bottle of champagne, I was still spinning away at my wood/merino/soy silk/diamond bamboo mix. 100 grams is a lot if you want to spin it lace weight. I will n-ply this and turn it and the other love mixes I got into mittens or a chique scarf for the winter...
I hope I'll keep up the spinning, but maybe not every day... And even though it's very tempting to start plying that last bobbin, and start on something new, I'm taking today off.


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