Tour de Fleece - day 5

Day 5 was Stitch 'n Bitch day! Off we went, Loes and I, in the car. I had forgotten that the boot was all full with groceries for tonight's Thank You for Volunteering-Night at school, so Loes had to sit in a child seat. I was a bad mommy, as I didn't strap her in...
We had a great night, starting outside on the terrace and moving inside when it got a bit too chilly. Loes had a great night, she squeeled with delight and sneezed a few times when the rough 'straight from the sheep' fiber got into her nose. She also loved the cookies that came with the cappuccino!
We had a few newcomers last night, most famously our favourite Ysolda, represented by her book 'Little Red in the City', hot off the press, which was passed around by greedy hands... Still debating whether to buy the paper or e-book version, but it looks like a nice book to have anyway!


Jolanda said…
Prachtige foto's!

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