Tour de Fleece - day 9

What a day... I haven't seen this many crashes, broken bones and bad drivers in a long time... Today, a day of reflection, I think. Not only in the Tour de France...
Luckily, I also saw some finished projects! While out to the museum yesterday, I finished my Astilbe sweater, knit after the Cable yoke pullover pattern by Norah Gaughan. I wore it proudly to school this morning, to show to Batmans teacher, but to be honest, it can use a wee Woollite wash. Still 'slightly' itchy ;)
And because I don't have enough purple yet, I spun some more during a great show on Eddie Izzard, our hero. Did you know he lived in Bangor, Northern Ireland, and feels those were the happiest years of his life? Now can you understand why we want to move there?
Just to reiterate, we have a lovely house for sale here in Leeuwarden. Please retweet/send on this link to people who are looking for a roomy end-house in a child-friendly area. I will bake a chocolate cake in a mug for prospective buyers!


Jobove - Reus said…
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Jolanda said…
Wat een rit! En die foto's.

Wat staat je paars goed!

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