Hats off!

The latest request from the brood was hats and scarves. The hats were a definite yes, as Batman had outgrown his hat and Mermaid had been wearing one of mine, but with regard to the scarves, I said no to Mermaid. She still has about 5 hanging in the hallway! Of which one, the mini Annis, was quite haggard looking... and on closer inspection showed signs of rabbit damage (sigh...). So, instead of knitting a winter scarf, I promised I'd 'fix' her Annis...
First up are the hat and scarf for Batman, knit from a similar yarn as his idiot mittens, Lana Grossa Paddy (no idea why they decide to call it Paddy instead of Teddy though...), and they are super soft...
It took ages to sew in all the ends for the scarf though... I again realize why people like selfstriping yarn so much... Hereby: dear Lana Grossa, can you make self-striping Paddy with a long and nicely varied rapport? Thank you!
Then Mermaids hat. Same principe, but two more increase rows before the k1p1.
And yes, of course they wanted pompoms. Need to improve my pompom skills though (i.e. a bigger whole in the middle and MORE YARN) because these look, ahum, slightly c.r.a.p. The kids love them though, and that's what counts. Hats, scarf and mittens were immediately given a trial run on the way to the zoo...
And yes! It is Halloween! We had our party yesterday (and Saturday, why party only once when you can do it twice), and it was the perfect opportunity to crochet up these yarnies...
I'd spun these wools up last week. They were in the gift bag from the National Spinning Day, and are, from left to right: white shetland, orange merino and black alpaca. The alpaca feels the worst and actually quite disappointing to spin with. I'll give it another go, because it just feels divine, usually... The orange spun like a dream! And the shetland was, well, just shetland ;)
I spun quite thinly and ended up with n-ply sock yarn.
And then the fun began... I first made a small skull, as my plan was to crochet up little animals for bunting. However, I soon realized I would have nowhere near enough for that...
This is Skull Decoration, a pattern that can be found on Ravelry... Quick and easy, but a bit lobsided ;)
I then decided to just start crocheting some grannies and within an hour and a bit, I had this...
And after neatifying it and putting some ghostly ghosts on top... We had the beginning of a Halloween party!

Hope you're having a great Halloween and that tomorrow, we will all light a candle for those we have lost... Such as #kanjerguusje, who lost her battle with cancer yesterday... For more: http://guusje-lowie.blogspot.com/


Jolanda said…
Ik zie het al, jij bent er helemaal klaar voor (voor de strenge winter).
Hilda said…
Laat de vorst nu maar komen.

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