Is it Christmas yet?

Not quite... but last week it certainly did feel very Christmassy - despite the fact that we were (and are still) able to sunbathe outside in our bikinis... The reason? A night of bauble knitting with an insane number of enthusiastic women.
I couldn't even get everyone in the picture!
Siem's hubby took one from the other angle...

And the reason for us being here, on the top floor of a book shop, knitting Christmas baubles, was the publication and promotion of one weird knitting book, which has taken the Dutch knitting world by storm: Kerstballen breien met Arne en Carlos. Many of our SnB group had already purchased the book and had started knitting some balls weeks ago, which meant that when we were invited to give a workshop and just have one cool, crazy evening with lots of short needles, giggling women and coffee and cookies/chocolates, we had a nicely decorated Christmas tree:
A nicely decorated Tijm:
Lots of big and small balls on the table:
Resulting in the utmost concentration...
It was great fun! What did strike me was that there were two distinct groups of people: the experienced (slightly older) knitters, who picked up the needles and were eager to knit some nostalgic looking balls, who totally turned into themselves and were zennnn incarnate; and the inexperienced (slightly younger) knitters, who thought that just be being there, they would learn how to knit (as if by osmosis) on 5 needles and with 2 colours and end up with a finished ball in 1 hour. Guess which ones I sat next to ;)
And yes, I did get to knit a bauble too; however, I had knit two mini-Christmas stockings first (you can see the green-white one in the tree above). It hasn't really grabbed me personally... I'm more of a snowflake crochet person... But, who knows, it can still happen! Maybe, as soon as the wind is howling through the leafless trees, when the kids are jumping in and out of puddles, and I have finally found (or made) that winter coat, the Christmas spirit will finally catch on...
For now... other things...


Jolanda said…
Wat was het een fantastische avond! Mijn kitschbal is al in beslag genomen door mijn jongste dochter!
Ammerins said…
Als je nou ook nog even een kerstboom gaat haken.... ;)
hannah said…
Wat een leuk verslag is dit. Ziet er heel gezellig uit.

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