The one in which she just buys loads of yarn...

Sometimes yarn buying is just like a box of Pringles: once you pop, you can't stop...
Over the last few weeks, I've bought a lot of yarn. And have been gifted lots too, like during our SnB party. So, a quick run-down of the new yarnsies living at Chez Amy:
Bought during the National Spinning Convention, 3 cakes of merino/tencel roving, called Damiane, 300 grams in total, bought from the love Dutch Wool Diva. This will be spun up and knit into a sweater or something else swish.
Then four balls of Lana Grossa Paddy, to knit a hat (done) and scarf to fit the idiot mittens for Batman, and a skein of some unknown yarn from the Sale bin. It was pink, it was fluffy, I liked it, so I bought it (if only all things were so simple). These five come from Het Zwarte Schaap (no website) in Burgum, where we were because we had a voucher ánd because we (me and Marieke from Wereldwol) had paid a visit to Monique from Kantwerk, who celebrated her birthday last week. Yes, 21 again!
Five balls of Drops Eskimo Print, to make a felted hand bag to go with my new grey winter coat. Every coat deserves a hand bag...
Four balls of Drops Baby Alpaca, two blue and two natural. I tried knitting these Winterland mittens, but they turned out giant-sized, so I'm trying the pattern with yarn that is slightly thinner.
And this one is not for me, but for Mermaid. She had her eyes on it last time we were at Breiparadijs, and now she's finally got it.
A ginormous bag of Gotland curls, gifted by Marieke, as she has decided not to pursue her spinning career. I haven't weighed it, but it is definitely more than a kilo and enough for a nice long cardigan. I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to use them like this or dye the (very variegated) locks teal after spinning.
And even more from Marieke... Some of the woollies will be gifted away in a swap I'm doing, but most will be spun up into some delicious yarn - and then find their way back to Marieke in knit form... Still thinking about what and how ;)
Apart from the yarn, I also bought the new Sandra Mode magazine.
It had a purple cardi on the front, I got a 25% discount... what more can I say. There's a few nice blokes' sweathers and one sweater with a motif I want to use in a cardigan. Plus some more things I might knit.
All this is definitely enough to keep me busy!!! The number of WIPs has dramatically increased from 2 active (and several sleeper) projects to about 10, anyway... And I have some roving for Halloween to spin up, better hurry. But more about that in a next post!
I'm off, I've got knitting/spinning to do!


Herma said…
Wat een geweldige aankopen en giften! Jij komt de winter wel door!
Mooie vergelijking, inderdaad, als het hek van de dam is, dan volgt er heel veel garenaankopen........
Gewoon niet gaan emigeren en je huis gewoon als wolopslag gaan gebruiken, dan hoeven we jou ook niet te missen.
Loltje said…
En ik maar denken dat ik de enige ben met veeeeeel wip's neem me ook elke keer voor om geen nieuwe patronenboeken te kopen, maar deze Sandra ligt ook bij mij in de kast, mooie patronen :)
En er zij nog steeds pennen waar niks op staat ;)

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