Sl5wyif, or...

Slip 5 with yarn in front. Knitting lingo can be full of complicated stitch abbreviations, such as LLinc, RLinc, ktbl, k2tog, cdd, pnso and psso... And yes, if you know what all of these mean, you're a true knitter!
The sl5wyif was used for these fingerless mittens.
If you alternate the technique, pick up the loop two rows up, you get what we Dutchies would call 'wiebertjes'. It's a very fun technique to try, especially with variegated or stripey yarn.
Beautiful Moonwise yarn
The yarn started out as a cake of roving, which I won with my Herculanean spinning effort during the Tour de Fleece. It was spun up during the Summer into a chunky-ish DK 3-ply and then the yarn found its way to my needles.
Warm hands
I just had enough to make long fingerless mittens and they are lovely to wear on my morning walks, especially now that it's getting very chilly out there... No need to say that Mermaid was very jealous, and asked why on earth I was finishing off mittens for myself while there's a coat lying about, waiting to be sewn up... Kids... ;)


Marbada said…
wat een mooie kleuren!!

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