Sunday Shetland 2

Yeah, the second instalment in the series! I got a lot of knitting done this weekend. And a lot of housework. Because, however much I love knitting, whenever there's jobs to be done around the house, it always feels like I'm playing hookie if I just sit on the sofa all day. So I cleaned the fridge and defrosted the freezer. Did 5 loads of laundry. Cleared out and rearranged three drawers in the kitchen. Removed the last beetroots from the garden. And looked at the garden helplessly, as there was nothing to do (especially with a week of severe frost coming up).

And then I got back to knitting. It started out quite innocently, my knitting efforts, with only a few rows done on Monday, then finishing off the ribbing. Which I had to knit twice, as apparently me and reading don't go together. I had read (I thought) 3 rows each of each colour, where it said 5. And if you find that out after you've finished? ... Not nice. So rip rip rip I went, and back to the start...
And have I mentioned yet that it's boring? This ribbing? A lovely effect, but quite boring. So I was happy when I got to the next bit, which actually is extra, if you look at the pattern (in my size) properly...
 If there's one thing I can't stand it's sweaters that are too short. That is why I added 3 extra cms. Should do the trick. I hope. And yes, those are my sweatpants (lazying about...) and yes, that is an annoying band-aid (I had a slight run-in with a cheese slicer and cut off half a thumb, well, sort of, nothing that major...). Knitting with two strands of yarn and a band-aid on a finger (any one) is hopeless, I noticed.
So as soon as I was brave enough to do whatever needed to be done about the silly thumbnail, I was on a roll again...
This is where I was last Sunday night (excuses for the bad lighting...). It's so addictive! And fun! I had a bit of moment of hesitation about the darker rows in the cirkel pattern, but now I'm all done with the circle pattern, I quite like it. Onwards and upwards!!!

And while the sewing machine was out, I adjusted the ninja pattern for Batman's outfit slightly and made another one with this fabric.
After another broken needle (yes, on that silly gold edging again...), I had a happy ninja girl...
The two of them together really form a pair...
For sewing classes, I'm about to start on brown pin-stripe trousers for Batman and pleated skirt for Mermaid. Should be fun!


Marijke said…
Love the Shetland sweater. I can imagine it's addictive. If you continue like this, it will be finished waaay before October.
And your two Ninja's are adorable.
petra said…
Je staat bij de fryske-blog-froulju hoor. Wil je ook nog volger worden? Noflike dag verder!
hannah said…
Wat mooi is dat breiwerk. Heerlijk he om kleuren in te breien!

Ik ben blij om te lezen dat ik niet de enige ben die soms onhandig is met de kaasschaaf.

En alweer een Ninja outfit? Jij heb het tempo er mooi in zitten met je projecten!

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