Sunday Shetland...

I know it's not Sunday today, but I've been planning to write and upload this post sinds Sunday, so it sort of counts... Look!
We booked our trip! Next October, for the Shetland Wool Week, me and my friend Monique will be off on a plane to the beautiful Shetland Islands. We have been jumping around like little girls ever since. Just the two of us, no kids, no husbands, just us and an entire archipelago filled with yarn... The cottage has been booked, the car has been reserved and we also decided that for our trip we just had to bring something Shetland-knit. And my eye fell on the Autumn Rose sweater by Eunny Yang. I am adjusting the colours slightly, with blue and green as main colours, and after some fiddling with numbers and colours, placing my order for Shetland yarn with Tissien, this arrived in the post...

Lots, and lots and lots of yarn!

I immediately cast on a swatch (despite my over-full diary...), and got gauge (sort of). This meant I could sort out my colours in preparation for knitting...

All the colours that are knit together in a row (always two or just the one) are now tucked away in a ziplock bag, clearly labelled and ready to go.

This snake of Atlantic Spray (blue) and Pecan (brown) is the start of something beautiful... Updates will follow every Sunday! I've already finished the ribbing started the patterning...


Marijke said…
The colours are so... Shetland. Lovely. Have fun!
hannah said…
Wauw, mooi pakketje garen hoor!

En jullie gaan dus samen naar de Shetland Eilanden! Geweldig, ik kan me goed voorstellen dat je zo blij bent als een kind!!

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